Vortrag von Prof. Hajime Asama

9. August 2019

-- Titel: Robot Technology for Services

Zeit: 9. August 2019
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Prof. Hajime Asama 
Department of Precision Engineering
University of Tokyo, Japan

Friday 2019-08-09 14:00
IST-Seminar-Room V2.255 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen Room V2.255 - Pfaffenwaldring 9



Recently, robot technology is attracting attention again along with artificial intelligence, and the demand for Robot Technology (RT) in various service fields is increasing. However, despite the fact that research and development of service robots have been promoted actively, the societal dissemination of the technology has not sufficiently progressed. Needs-driven approach is considered important to promote the societal dissemination

In this presentation, the trends in research and development of robot technology for various services, such as rehabilitation, nursing care, disaster response, decommissioning of nuclear power plants, etc., are introduced, as well as the issues on its societal dissemination and activities to solve them.

Biographical Information

Hajime Asama received his M. S. and Dr. Eng. in Engineering from the University of Tokyo in 1984 and 1989. He worked in RIKEN Japan from 1986 to 2002 as a research scientist, etc. He became a professor of RACE and School of Engineering of the University of Tokyo in 2002 and 2009. He received RSJ Distinguished Service Award in 2013, etc. He was the vice-president of Robotics Society of Japan in 2011-2012, an AdCom member of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society in 2007-2009. Currently, He is the president-elect of IFAC since 2017, and the president of International Society for Intelligent Autonomous Systems since 2014. He is currently council member of Science Council of Japan since 2017. He has been engaged in research on service robotics, distributed autonomous robotic systems, ambient intelligence, service engineering, embodied brain systems, and human interface, and activities on societal dissemination of robot technology for disaster response robots, decommissioning of nuclear power plants, and other services. He is a Fellow of IEEE, JSME and RSJ.

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