Peter Sagirow Distinguished Seminar Series

Seminars in honor of Prof. Dr. Peter Sagirow (1915-1997)

Prof. Dr. Peter Sagirow (1915 - 1997) was with the University of Stuttgart from 1958 until 1980. Having held a Professorship in Theoretical Mechanics he had the farsightedness to establish the field of systems and control theory at the University of Stuttgart at a very early stage. Among many other lasting contributions he was significantly involved in the creation of the very successful study program of Engineering Cybernetics that celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021.

With this annual seminar series the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control intends to honor Peter Sagirow and the decisive role he played in the development of the field of control at the University of Stuttgart. Each year a highly distinguished researcher is brought to campus to report on the state of the art, achievements and challenges in the field of systems and control to a wider audience.

Upcoming Speakers

Previous Speakers

Prof. Manfred Morari
Institute of Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, USA
The Role of Theory in Control Practice
Prof. Dr. Anders Lindquist
Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
China - Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Schweden
What is the Connection between Artificial Speech and Modern Mathematics, and How Can This be Used in System Identification and Robust Control?
Prof. Dr. Magnus Egerstedt
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Gergia Institute of Technology, USA
Control of Multi-Robot Systems: From Formations to Human-Swarm Interactions
Prof. Dr. Lino Guzzella
ETH Zurich · Zurich · Switzerland
Modeling, Control and Optimization of Hybrid-Electric Vehicles
Prof. Graham C. Goodwin
Electrical Engineering · University of Newcastle · Australia
The Health of Control
Prof. Lennart Ljung
Department of Electrical Engineering · Linköping University · Linköping · Sweden
System Identification: From Data to Models
Prof. Bruce A. Francis
Electrical and Computer Engineering · University of Toronto · Toronto, Ontario · Canada
Distributed Systems and Control
Prof. Roger W. Brockett
An Wang Professor of Computer · Harvard University · Cambridge, MA.· U.S.A.
Cybernetics, Artificial Intelligence and the Avoidance of Mathematical Blind Spots
Prof. Dr. Alberto Isidori
Università di Roma "La Sapienza" · Rome · Italy
Geometry in Feedback Design
Prof. Dr. Rudolf E. Kalman
Departement Mathematik ·
ETH Zürich · Switzerland
The evolution of system theory: birth, flaming youth, sober middle age, future prospects
Prof. Dr. Jan C. Willems
Department of Electrical Engineering · Katholieke Universiteit Leuven · Leuven · Belgium
Open Dynamical Systems and Their Origins
Prof. Dr. Karl Johan Åström
Department of Automatic Control · Lund Institute of Technology · Lund · Sweden
Black Boxes and White Noise - The Evolution of the Field of Control
Dieses Bild zeigt Yaryna Svyryda

Yaryna Svyryda



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