Vortrag von Prof. Kristin Y. Pettersen

7. Juni 2016

--- Titel: Snake Robots - A robotic solution for firefighting, search and rescue, and subsea IMR operations

Zeit: 7. Juni 2016
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Prof. Kristin Y. Pettersen
Department of Engineering Cybernetics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Trondheim, Norway


Tuesday 2016-06-07 16:00
IST-Seminar-Room V9.22 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen




Snake robots are motivated by the long, slender and flexible body of biological snakes, which allows them to move in virtually any environment on land and in water. Since the snake robot is essentially a manipulator arm that can move by itself, it has a number of interesting applications including firefighting applications and search and rescue operations. In water, the robot is a highly flexible and dexterous manipulator arm that can swim by itself like a snake. This highly flexible snake-like mechanism has excellent accessibility properties; it can for instance access virtually any location on a subsea oil & gas installation, move into the confined areas of ship wrecks, or be used for observation of biological systems. Furthermore, not only can the swimming manipulator access narrow openings and confined areas, but it can also carry out highly complex manipulation tasks at this location since manipulation is an inherent capability of the system. By incorporating the propulsion system and the manipulation capabilities in the same mechanical structure, this vehicle becomes highly compact and is able to bring inspection and intervention capabilities to locations where ROVs today cannot operate. In the longer term, this may enable reduced size and cost of subsea production systems.

In this talk, I will present recent research results on modelling and control of snake robots, including theoretical and experimental results.


Biographical Information


Kristin Y. Pettersen is a Professor in the Department of Engineering Cybernetics, NTNU where she has been a faculty member since 1996. She was Head of Department 2011-2013, Vice-Head of Department 2009-2011, and Director of the NTNU ICT Programme of Robotics 2010-2013. In the period 2013 – 2022 she is also Key Scientist at the CoE Centre for Autonomous Marine Operations and Systems (AMOS). She is CEO of the spin-off company Eelume AS.

She received the MSc and PhD degrees in Engineering Cybernetics at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, in 1992 and 1996. She has published more than 200 international papers for conferences and journals, and her research interests focus on nonlinear control of mechanical systems with applications to robotics, with a special emphasis on marine robotics and snake robotics. She has edited a Springer Verlag book on Group Coordination and Cooperative control, and is co-author of one Springer Verlag book on Snake Robots, and another on Modeling and Control of Vehicle-Manipulator Systems.


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