Vortrag von Prof. Lucy Pao

9. Mai 2017

--- Titel: Closed-Loop Active Power Control of Wind Farms

Zeit: 9. Mai 2017
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Prof. Lucy Pao 
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering Department
University of Colorado at Boulder, CO, USA


Tuesday 2017-05-09 16:00
IST-Seminar-Room 2.268 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen




For wind farm control, the current practice in industry is that every turbine has its own wind turbine controller that optimizes its own performance in terms of power output, structural load mitigation, and/or reference tracking. However, this does not lead to optimal performance at the wind farm level due to the interactions among the wind turbines through the wakes that are generated while the turbines are in operation. In this talk, we will present a closed-loop wind farm control framework for the Active Power Control (APC) problem. APC can be used to balance the total power generated by wind farms with the power consumed on the electricity grid. With the increasing penetration levels of wind energy, there is a growing need for this ancillary service. In this talk, we show that the tracking of power reference signals provided by the transmission system operator (TSO) can be noticeably improved by using feedback control at the wind farm level. We propose a simple feedback control law that significantly improves the tracking behaviour of the total power output of the farm, resulting in higher performance scores. The effectiveness of the proposed feedback controller is demonstrated using high fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations of a small wind farm. We shall close by discussing continuing challenges and on-going and future research avenues that can further facilitate the growth of wind energy.




Biographical Information


For wind farm control, the current practice in industry is that every turbine has its own wind turbine controller that optimizes its own performance in terms of power output, structural load mitigation, and/or reference tracking. However, this does not lead to optimal performance at the wind farm level due to the interactions among the wind turbines through the wakes that are generated while the turbines are in operation. In this talk, we will present a closed-loop wind farm control framework for the Active Power Control (APC) problem. APC can be used to balance the total power generated by wind farms with the power consumed on the electricity grid. With the increasing penetration levels of wind energy, there is a growing need for this ancillary service. In this talk, we show that the tracking of power reference signals provided by the transmission system operator (TSO) can be noticeably improved by using feedback control at the wind farm level. We propose a simple feedback control law that significantly improves the tracking behaviour of the total power output of the farm, resulting in higher performance scores. The effectiveness of the proposed feedback controller is demonstrated using high fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations of a small wind farm. We shall close by discussing continuing challenges and on-going and future research avenues that can further facilitate the growth of wind energy.




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