Zeit: | 31. Mai 2016 |
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Prof. Paolo Rapisarda
Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton,
Southampton, UK
Tuesday 2016-05-31 16:00
IST-Seminar-Room V9.22 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen
The mirroring of external (at the level of inputs and outputs) and internal (at the level of state) properties is a Leitmotiv in systems and control theory. I will illustrate a variation on such theme, focusing on identification of linear time-invariant 1- and 2-D systems, and of linear time-varying systems.
By factorizing a matrix computed from external trajectories of the dual- and the primal system, state trajectories corresponding to the external ones can be constructed. To complete the identification of a state model, a system of linear equations must be solved.
This identification procedure is analogous to subspace identification, where time-invariance is exploited. By making use of duality we can derive state equations also when time-invariance is absent (as in the case of time-varying systems) or it is cumbersome to take advantage of (as in the case of 2-D systems).
Biographical Information
Paolo Rapisarda took his PhD at the University of Groningen, working under the supervision of Jan C. Willems. He worked at the University of Trieste, Italy; at the University of Maastricht, The Netherlands; and he is currently Senior Lecturer at the University of Southampton, Great Britain. His interests are in system identification, switched dynamics, power systems, model-order reduction, multidimensional systems