Vortrag von Prof. Yoshio Ebihara

5. September 2019

-- Titel: L1-induced norm analysis of positive systems and its application

Zeit: 5. September 2019
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Prof. Yoshio Ebihara
Department of Electrical Engineering
Kyoto University, Japan

Tuesday 2015-05-12 16:00
IST-Seminar-Room V2.255 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen Room V2.255 - Pfaffenwaldring 9



In this talk we start from the basics about linear copositive Lyapunov functions for positive systems, followed by the characterization of the L1-induced norm of positive systems by means of linear inequalities (linear programming problems). We show that, a slightly generalized version, weighted L1-induced norm, is useful for the stability analysis of interconnected systems constructed from positive subsystems. More precisely, we show that the interconnected system is stable if and only if there exists a set of weighting vectors that renders the weighted L1-induced norm of each positive subsystem smaller than one. We show that this result can be applied to the stability margin analysis problem of the Foschini-Miljanic algorithm for power control in wireless networks .

Biographical Information

Yoshio Ebihara was born in Fukuoka, Japan, in 1974. He received the B.E., M.E. and D.E. degrees in electrical engineering from Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, in 1997, 1999 and 2002, respectively. Since 2002, he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Kyoto University, where he is an Associate Professor since 2010. In 2010, he held a visiting researcher position at LAAS-CNRS Toulouse, France. His research interests include convex optimization in control and positive system analysis and synthesis. Currently, he is an Associate Editor of Automatica, and a member of IEEE Control Systems Society Conference Editorial Board.

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