Dieses Bild zeigt Caterina Thomaseth

Caterina Thomaseth

Frau M.Eng.

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Institut für Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik


+49 711 685 66308
+49 711 685 67735

Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 2.241

Meine Forschungsinteresse sind im Bereich von System Biologie.
- Vorlesungsassistentin für Grundlagen der Systembiologie (WS)
- Vorlesungsassistentin für Rechnerpraktikum Systembiologie (WS)

Betreute Thesen:

[1] Sampling-basierte Analyse von Feedback in Signaltransduktionsnetzwerken am Beispiel eines Modells des MAP-Kinase-Pathways (MA). 2015.

[2] Sensitivity analysis and identifiability for nonlinear ODE models in systems biology: an application study for the MAP Kinase signalling pathway (BA). 2015.
Publikationen in Journals:

[4] A Jensch, C Thomaseth, and N Radde.
Sampling-based Bayesian approaches reveal the importance of quasi-bistable behavior in cellular decision processes on the example of the MAPK signaling pathway in PC-12 cell lines. BMC Systems Biology 11:11, 2017. [online]

[3] C Thomaseth, K Kuritz, F Allgöwer and N Radde.
The circuit-breaking algorithm for monotone systems. Mathematical Biosciences 284:80-91, 2017. [online]

[2] J Kirch, C Thomaseth, A Jensch and N Radde.
The effect of model rescaling and normalization on sensitivity analysis on an example of a MAPK pathway model. EPJ Nonlinear Biomedical Physics 4:3, 2016. [online]

[1] C Thomaseth, P Weber, T Hamm, K Kashima and N Radde.
Modeling sphingomyelin synthase 1 driven reaction at the Golgi apparatus can explain data by inclusion of a positive feedback mechanism. JTB 337: 174-180, 2013. [online]

Publikationen in Konferenz-Proceedings:

[1] C Thomaseth, and N Radde.
Normalization of Western blot data affects the statistics of estimators. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(26):56-62, Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering - FOSBE 2016 Magdeburg, Germany, 2016. [online]


[2] C Thomaseth. Modeling SMS driven conversion of ceramide to sphingomyelin reveals the existence of a positive feedback mechanism.
Masterarbeit, Universität von Padua, Italien. 2012.

[1] C Thomaseth. Complexity and stability in multivariable systems.
Bachelorarbeit, Universität von Padua, Italien. 2009.
seit 03/2013 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an dem Institut für Systemtheorie und Regelungstechnik
12/2012 Master in "Automation Engineering"
2009-2012 Master Studium in "Automation Engineering" an dem
Department of Information Engineering an der Universität von Padua, Italien.
2006-2009 Bachelor Studium in "Information Engineering" an dem
Department of Information Engineering
an der Universität von Padua, Italien.
  • Bachelorarbeit: "Complexity and stability in multivariable systems"
    an der Universität von Padua, Italien
07/2006 Abitur an "Liceo scientifico Enrico Fermi" in Padua, Italien.


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