Vortrag von Dr. Kim Listmann

12. Januar 2016

--- Titel: Industrie 4.0 - Control Systems Research goes Needless?

Zeit: 12. Januar 2016
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Dr. Kim Listmann  
ABB Corporate Research Center,
Ladenburg, Germany


Tuesday 2016-01-12 14:00
IST-Seminar-Room V2.268 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen



Currently, the term Industrie 4.0 stands for the next transition of the industrialized society and is particularly used inside the manufacturing industry. The main aim is to use digitalization to improve competitiveness and future-orientation in high-cost countries. While so far mainly classical automation, information and communication technologists try to establish conceptual solutions, this presentation will give insights into some fundamental problems of networked value chains that have not been addressed extensively yet. These fundamentals are relevant not only to manufacturing but to a large set of technological fields and we can show: Control systems technology must provide a decisive contribution to answer the open questions.


Biographical Information

Kim Listmann received his engineering degree in mechatronics from TU Dresden and his doctoral degree in the field of synchronization of dynamic systems from TU Darmstadt in 2006 and 2011, respectively. Since then he is with the ABB Corporate Research Center Germany in Ladenburg. In 2015 he was assigned as the research team manager for "Robotics & Manufacturing" and his main interests include control, optimization and modeling of mechatronic systems, particularly nonlinear multi-body systems.

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