Inaugural lecture of Prof. Nicole Radde in the framework of the SimTech Colloquium

October 26, 2016

Title: Cells are smart – what can we learn from them? A systems-theoretic viewpoint

Time: October 26, 2016
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Event place: V7.01, Pfaffenwaldring 7, University of Stuttgart



Living cells may appear not very fascinating at first glance. However, if we take a closer look, we realize that appearances are deceptive! A cell is in fact a very complex dynamical system, which can adapt to various environmental conditions in a quite reliable way. This is achieved via signal transduction cascades that are highly regulated on multiple levels and time scales. How do these mechanisms work and what are the obstacles in building a synthetic cell? These are the questions that drive our research when we study mathematical and computational methods for the analysis of intracellular processes. In my talk, I will give an introduction into the young and rapidly developing research field Systems Biology and I provide some insight into approaches for modeling, analysis and identification of intracellular processes.


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