The IST Quiz App for Android and iPhone

Our IST Quiz App provides short and simple quizzes for the students. The presented questions are based on past lectures (and updated according to the progress of the lecture) with the purpose to help the students revise basic concepts of the covered course contents.

The IST Quiz App is available for Android and iOS devices.

Get it on Google Play    Download on the App Store


This Quiz App was delevoped at the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control of the University of Stuttgart and accompanies the lectures "Einführung in die Regelungstechnik" and "Konzepte der Regelungstechnik" at the University of Stuttgart. The app content is updated according to the progress of the lecture and is only available in German, which is the language of the lectures. 

In this app, the students are provided with short and simple quizzes. The presented questions are based on past lectures with the purpose to help the students revise the covered material. After each lecture, a new set of questions bundled in so called 'Kurztests' are uploaded. The students get instant feedback on whether their answer was correct and even additional explanation via an information button is available whenever sensible. At the end of every short quiz, the students receives a summarizing feedback on his performance. Furthermore, the students have the possibility to go back to their answers to review their mistakes and finally also delete their answers to redo the test.

For more information on the Quiz App and its underlying concepts, we refer the reader to a paper with the title "Smartphone Apps for Learning Progress and Course Revision" that we presented at the IFAC World Congress 2020. This paper focuses on the usage of the app in the course "Einführung in die Regelungstechnik".

We hope you enjoy using the app, and we are of course highly appreciating any feedback.

0. Language Notice

Only the German version of the terms of use and privacy policy are legally binding, this English version is just an orientation for people that do not speak German. Note that there might be translation mistakes.

1. Terms of Use

1.1 Usage
Using this app is exclusively permitted under the conditions of these terms of use.

1.2 Contact
The given contact address must not be abused by, for example, sending ads or any other spam.

1.3 Data Protection
We process your personal data as described in the privacy policy.

2. Privacy Policy

2.1 Access Rights
To provide complete functionality, the App needs the following access rights: Internet access (WIFI and mobile data), Storage access.

Why are these rights required?

Internet access: Internet access is used for downloading new test files from the servers of the University of Stuttgart to the mobile device. This happens through a standard web request to the servers of the University of Stuttgart. Therefore, in addition to this privacy policy, the privacy policy of the website of the University of Stuttgart, which can be found in Section 3, is also binding.

Storage access: Local storage access is needed for saving the test files and your work in progress.

2.2 Personal Data
In this chapter we describe how we collect and process your personal data. How your personal data is processed and collected during the standard web request to the website of the University of Stuttgart is explained in Section 3. Other than that, no additional personal data is collected or processed.

3. Privacy Policy of the Website of the University of Stuttgart

The test files containing the questions of the quizzes, which are required for using this app, are stored on the servers of the University of Stuttgart. To access them, a standard web request is made. Consequently, a connection from the app to the servers of the University of Stuttgart is established. Therefore, the privacy policy of the website of the University of Stuttgart applies additionally to the privacy policy of this app. The privacy policy of the website of the University of Stuttgart can be found at

Note: While doing standard web requests, the app automatically sends a “Do Not Track” request.

4. Update Notice

These terms of use and this privacy policy may change from time to time. The most current versions can be found on

5. Impressum

Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstraße 7
70174 Stuttgart
Phone: ++49 (0)711/6858-0
Fax: ++49 (0)711/6858-2113
Responsible party: The University of Stuttgart is a public sector entity.
It is legally represented by the Rector, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Wolfram Ressel,
VAT ID No.: Pursuant to §27 a Value Added Tax Act: DE 1477 94 196

Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
Pfaffenwaldring 9
70569 Stuttgart
Phone: ++49 (0)711 685-67734
Fax: ++49 (0)711 685-67735

5. Copyright Notice

Please note that all texts, pictures and graphics as well as their arrangements - unless otherwise stated - have been created by the IST itself and are subject to copyright protection. For example, they may not be copied, modified, or used on other websites. We hereby agree to the use of generally accessible texts by third parties - even in parts - only on the condition that the IST is named as the author. The use of other content, such as images and graphics, is not permitted. However, if you are interested in a legal right of use, please contact the above contact/address.

Date: 14.10.2019

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