Engineering Cybernetics

Information on studying Engineering Cybernetics and the Contribution of the IST

General information about the study program

Portrait of Prof. Dr. -Ing Frank AllgöwerDear Students and Visitors,

Welcome to the webpage of the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control. 

The following pages in the group "Education" provide an overview of the courses and possible specializations which the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control (IST) has to offer for your respective study program. The extensive list of courses offered by the IST ranges from introductory lectures in the field of systems theory and automatic control to advanced lectures covering state-of-the-art concepts and methods in automatic control, systems theory, as well as chaos theory. The contact persons listed on all the pages can provide further information and will gladly answer any questions you may have.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon in the audience of our lectures!

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Allgöwer
Dean of Studies Engineering Cybernetics (Technische Kybernetik) and Director of the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control

Study Program Engineering Cybernetics – the Contribution of the IST

Engineering Cybernetics is an interdisciplinary engineering science at the border between system sciences and natural sciences, and is focused on modelling, simulation, and control of technical systems. Engineering Cybernetics is a subfield of Cybernetics and is mainly based on methods from mathematical systems science as well as automatic control. The Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control provides a substantial part of the curriculum within the study program Engineering Cybernetics and does a lot for the students in this field.

The Bachelor program is structured into the core areas Mathematics and System Sciences as well as Engineering Sciences. Further courses in the area of Computer Science as well as various Lab Courses complete the curriculum. A decisive part of the systems theoretic teaching including the Introduction to Automatic Control is done in the lectures of the IST.

In the Master program, the basic skills in the core areas of Engineering Cybernetics, in particular Automatic Control, Systems Theory, Modelling, and Simulation, are deepened and significantly extended. For this purpose, the IST offers a wide range of courses, which provide the students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in control theory and learn state-of-the art methods according to their personal interests. Moreover, working on academic thesis projects at the IST allows the students to contribute to ongoing research projects in the field of systems and control theory. Last but not least, the IST offers numerous opportunities for studies abroad at renowned universities all over the world.

Detailed information on the curriculum of the Bachelor and Master programs Engineering Cybernetics as well as on the student exchanges are summarized on the following pages for your convenience.

Further Information on the study program Engineering Cybernetics for visitors as well as students of the University of Stuttgart, including application examples and professional fields, can be found at:


This image shows Matthias Köhler

Matthias Köhler


Research Assistant

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