Learning Apps for Android and iPhone
We currently offer two Android and iPhone apps that accompany the lecture "Einführung in die Regelungstechnik" at the University of Stuttgart. Both apps are available in the Android and Apple App Store, respectively.
In our Nyquist app, the user can analyze the stability of the closed loop by using the Nyquist stability criterion. With the Nyquist stability criterion, you can determine the stability of the closed loop based on the frequency response of the open loop, without explicitly calculating the poles of the closed loop. As the underlying systems are randomly generated, this app offers an unlimited number of tasks for the user to exercise the Nyquist criterion.
Our IST Quiz App provides short and simple quizzes for the students. The presented questions are based on past lectures (and updated according to the progress of the lecture) with the purpose to help the students revise basic concepts of the covered course contents.
For more details on our cellphone apps, a link to the respective store entries and their terms of use and privacy policy, please follow the provided links.
Matlab Apps: Tutorials and Exercises
We offer Matlab Apps on the topics of the Nyquist Criterion, Robustness and Stability, Loopshaping, and Controllability and Observability that accompany the lecture "Einfürhung in die Regelungstechnik".
Educational Games
Since 2005, we are using Educational Games in the course „Einführung in die Regelungstechnik“ and "Konzepte der Regelungstechnik ("Introduction to Automatic Control" and "Concepts of Automatic Control"). The following images show screenshots of some of these games. For more details on our educational games and to download the respective games, please follow the provided link.