Talk of Dr. Moritz Schulze Darup

February 5, 2020

--- Secure Cloud-based Control - Early Implementations and new Concepts

Time: February 5, 2020
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Dr. Moritz Schulze Darup
Encrypted Control Group, Automatic Control Group
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (EIM-E)
Paderborn University  


Wednesday 2020-02-05 16:00
IST-Seminar-Room V9.2.255 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen


Future control schemes will increasingly rely on cloud-computing and distributed computing. In the resulting networked control systems, sensible data is communicated via public networks and processed on third party platforms. Encrypted controllers seek to secure the confidentiality and privacy of the involved data throughout the entire control-loop. To achieve this goal, classical control algorithms are modified such that they are capable of computing encrypted control actions based on encrypted system states without intermediate decryptions. The talk first provides an introduction to the young but emerging field of encrypted control based on seminal implementations using (partially) homomorphic cryptosystems. Afterwards, new and more powerful schemes involving secret sharing and multi-party computation are presented. In this context, the evolution of encrypted control is mainly illustrated with various realizations of cloud-based model predictive control (MPC).  

Biographical Information

Moritz Schulze Darup received the Diploma (M.Sc.) in Mechanical Engineering and the B.Sc. in Physics from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Germany, in 2008 and 2010, respectively. He completed his Ph.D. in Control Engineering in 2014, also at the RUB. From 2014 to 2016 he was a post-doctoral researcher at Oxford University, UK, followed by an academic visit at Melbourne University, Australia. Since 2017, he is affiliated with Paderborn University, Germany, where he first served as a lecturer in the Automatic Control Group. Since 2019, he is leading a junior research group on encrypted control that is funded by the German Research Foundation through the Emmy Noether Programme. He is a young scholar of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Arts and a scholar of the Daimler and Benz Foundation. His research interests include secure, optimal, and robust control for networked systems.  

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