Talk of Prof. Alexander Schaum

October 22, 2024

--- Title: Modeling and Control in Food Systems

Time: October 22, 2024
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Prof. Alexander Schaum
Department for Process Analytics
Computational Science Hub
University of Hohenheim
Stuttgart, Germany


Tuesday 2024-10-22 4 p.m.
IST Seminar Room 2.255 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen



The term food system has been coined for a framework covering the different areas of the food supply, production, consumption and waste-management chain. These include in particular topics from agricultural and food technology, i.e., from growth, harvesting, post-harvest processing until the final food product and its shelf-life enhancement. While all these areas involve several topics of interest from a control engineering perspective, the present talk will focus on the intersection between the post-harvest to food production sectors. Particularly topics from the area of food (bio-) technology, involving processes from fermentation, pasteurization to bread baking will be discussed. Control tasks in these areas are typically subject to common challenges, namely nonlinear behavior involving multi-attractor dynamics and bifurcation, parameter uncertainties and fluctuations, distributed properties along physical and system-specific dimensions (e.g., particle size), the lack of measurement devices accessing essential process information, different sampling rates and delays for existing measurement systems, as well as limited possibilities for control intervention. Besides sketching these challenges for some specific applications, particular solution approaches for observer and control design will be discussed.


Biographical Information

Alexander Schaum holds the chair on Process Analytics at the University of Hohenheim since September 2023. He received his Diploma degree in Technical Cybernetics in 2006 from the University of Stuttgart, his PhD in Control Engineering in 2009 from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) in Mexico City and his habilitation degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering in 2020 from Kiel University (CAU). From 2011 to 2014 he was a guest professor with the Department for Applied Mathematics and Systems at the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana (UAM) in Cuajimalpa, Mexico City. During winter term 2018 he had an interim professorship for Networked Electronic Systems and in summer term 2023 for Automation and Control, both at CAU. He is IEEE Senior Member, IFAC Affiliate, member of the IEEE Control System Society (CSS), DECHEMA, GDCH, and ARGESIM. His research interests focus on process modeling for automation, monitoring and control with applications in fermentation and thermal processing particularly in bio- and food technology, as well as the development of new methods for observer and control design for nonlinear, distributed parameter and stochastic systems.

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