Talk of Prof. Daniel Limón

April 25, 2017

--- Title: Model Predictive Control for changing operating conditions

Time: April 25, 2017
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Prof. Daniel Limón
Dept. of Systems and Automatic Engineering
University of Seville, Spain


Tuesday 2017-09-19 11:00
IST-Seminar-Room 2.255 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen




MPC is the most successful advanced control technique in the process industry since ensure optimal and safe operation of the plant. However, this may exhibit stability issues when the expected operating conditions of the plant are changed. This talk is devoted to present recent results on the design of stabilizing predictive controllers to cope with this problem in case of steady operation as well as periodic operation.




Biographical Information


Daniel Limon is Associate Professor at the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation of the University of Seville (Spain) and he is the responsible of the research group on Estimation, Prediction, Optimization and Control. He is the author or coauthor of more than 100 publications including book chapters, journal papers, conference proceedings and educational books. He was Keynote Speaker at the International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control in 2008 and Semiplenary Lecturer at the IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control in 2012 (NMPC’12). He has been the Chair of the 5th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC’15). He has cofunded the spin off company Optimal Performance (University of Seville, Spain). His current research interests include Model Predictive Control, economic process control, trajectory tracking control and data-driven control.




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