Talk of Steffen Linsenmayer

December 18, 2019

--- Title: Networked Control with Deterministic Guarantees: Tailored Approaches Based on Implementable Communication Models

Time: December 18, 2019
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Steffen Linsenmayer 
Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control
University of Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany


Wednesday 2019-12-18 16:00
IST-Seminar-Room V9.2.255 - Pfaffenwaldring 9 - Campus Stuttgart-Vaihingen



Control systems with information exchange over a shared communication medium are typically referred to as networked control systems. Analyzing and designing such systems is a challenging problem in the intersecting area of control and communication theory. Our approach aims at integrating implementable communication models to facilitate networked control with deterministic guarantees, where the implementable communication models are inspired by existing concepts from communication theory. The talk will be centered around a recently proposed time-slotted communication model consisting of both infrequent statically reserved and additional shared opportunistic transmission slots. Accordingly, the first part of the talk considers the design of a stabilizing controller in a scenario where a certain amount of transmissions is deterministically guaranteed to be successful. This will be modeled by using the concept of
weakly hard real-time constraints. The second part of the talk is concerned with transmitting control inputs at opportunistic time slots in an event-triggered fashion for performance improvement while adhering to a prespecified traffic characterization.

Biographical Information

Steffen Linsenmayer received his master's degree in Engineering Cybernetics from the University of Stuttgart in 2014. During his studies he had an internship at Robert Bosch GmbH and a stay at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Since 2015 he is a research and teaching assistant at the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control and a doctoral student in the Graduate School Simulation Technology at the University of Stuttgart. In 2017, he spent three months as a visiting researcher at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. His research interests include networked control systems with a focus on communication abstractions and event-based sampling strategies.

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