E-scooter presentation on the occasion of IST's 25th anniversary

October 1, 2024

[Picture: Universität Stuttgart/ IST]

Our team had the honor of presenting our autonomous e-scooter and the rear-wheel steered bicycle as part of the 25th anniversary of the Institute for Systems Theory and Automatic Control at the University of Stuttgart. The anniversary celebration took place in the impressive setting of the Alte Reithalle at the Maritim Stuttgart and welcomed around 300 guests, including many former and current members of the institute.

Under the leadership of Institute Director Prof. Frank Allgöwer, the anniversary was a special event that focused on sharing scientific achievements and innovations. The response to our projects was consistently positive and it was an inspiring experience to be able to present our developments in this festive setting. We are delighted with the interest and the stimulating discussions that took place during the event.

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