Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schwarzmann
Head of Control Engineering Excellence Cluster
Automotive Engineering - IAV GmbH
38518 Gifhorn, Germany
E-Mail: dieter.schwarzmann@ist.uni-stuttgart.de
A 2nd exam will be offered June 30. Please contact Matthias Lorenzen until June 19. if you plan to take part.
Time and Place
Fr, | 28.10.16 | 14:00 – 17:15 | V 9.31 |
Mo, | 31.10.16 | 08:00 – 09:30 | V 9.31 |
Fr, | 04.11.16. | 14:00 – 17:15 | V 9.12 |
Mo | 07.11.16 | 08:00 – 09:30 | V 9.31 |
Fr, | 25.11.16 | 14:00 – 17:15 | V 9.31 |
Mo, | 28.11.16 | 08:00 – 09:30 | V 9.31 |
Fr, | 02.12.16 | 14:00 – 17:15 | V 9.31 |
Mo, | 05.12.16 | 08:00 – 09:30 | V 9.31 |
Fr | 16.12.16 | 14:00 – 17:15 | V 9.31 |
Course description
Adaptive Control deals with the control of systems with unknown parameters. This is done by learning the controller parameters online and ensuring a stable operation of the closed-loop system. An adaptive controller, essentially, is a nonlinear controller that turns into a linear controller (for linear systems) once learning has finished. This lecture aims at introducing the theory and practice, abilities and limitations of the mainstream adaptive control concept, namely "Direct Model-Reference Adaptive Control" in the continuous time case. This method is widely used e.g. in flight control of modern aircrafts. We will talk about other approaches and adaptive control of nonlinear systems, but focus on the understanding of the above, in theory and practice. The learning goals are how and why does an adaptive controller work, when to use it and how to improve it, and robustness extensions.
The course is intended for (Master) students having visited ERT and KRT or equivalent lectures. Advanced control courses, such as Nonlinear Control or Robust Control, will be helpful.
The course is given in English.
Course material
Course material such as lecture notes and exercises will be provided through the ILIAS platform. After logging in, you can navigate yourself to this course via:
Ingenieurwissenschaften >> Technische Kybernetik >> Lehrveranstaltungen WS 16/17 >> Introduction to
Adaptive Control WS 2016/17
The course password will be announced in the first lecture.
Narendra and Annaswamy, Stable Adaptive Systems, Dover, 2005