Analysis and Control of Multiagent Systems

SS 2017

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. D. Zelazo, Dr.-Ing. M. Bürger
Credits: 3V, 1Ü

Friday: Pfaffenwaldring 9, Room 9.41-->

Lecturers Prof. Dr. Daniel Zelazo, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
  Dr.-Ing. Mathias Bürger,

Robert Bosch GmbH, Cognitive Systems

Teaching Assistant Anne Romer
Time The first part of the lecture will be given in a weekly manner from 14:00 - 17:15 on the following dates:
Monday, 24. April
Monday, 08. May
Monday, 15. May (Exercise 1)
Monday, 22. May
Monday, 29. May
Monday, 12. June
Monday, 19. June (Exercise 2)
(Monday, 26. June - fällt aus!!)
Monday, 03. July (Midterm exam)
Monday, 10. July
The second part of the lecture, between 17. July and 21. July, is organized as a block lecture and given by Prof. Dr. Daniel Zelazo
Monday, 17. July
Wednesday, 19. July
Friday, 21. July
The time slots of the exercises will be announced at the lecture.
Exam The final exam will take place on August 29 from 11:00. Location: V9 7.04.
This is an open book exam.



Course Description
Multi-agent systems are systems composed of multiple interacting dynamic units. These units can be used to perform team objectives with applications ranging from formation flying to distributed computation. Challenges associated with these systems are their analysis and synthesis, arising due to their decoupled, distributed, large-scale nature, and due to limited inter-agent sensing/communication capabilities. This course provides an introduction to these systems via tools from graph theory and dynamic systems theory. The course will also cover real-world applications by presenting recent results obtained in the distributed formation control of real multi-robot systems.

"Einführung in die Regelungstechnik" (ERT) and "Konzepte der Regelungstechnik" (KRT) or equivalent lectures

Note that the relevant module for the course is [51850] Networked Control Systems and the relevant exam is [51851] Networked Control Systems.


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