First Lecture: 22.10.2018
The exam takes place on Thursday, March 28, 2019, starting at 14:00, in V53.01.
General Information
- Lecturer
- Assistant
- Prerequisites
The course is intended to students having visited Systemdynamische Grundlagen der Regelungstechnik/ Einführung in die Regelungstechnik lectures.
- Time and place (3h lecture + 1h exercise)
Monday 14:00-15:30, V 57.06
Friday 14:00-15:30,V 57.06
First lecture: 22.10.2018
In many practical control problems it is desired to optimize a given cost functional while satisfying constraints involving dynamical systems. These kind of problems typically fall into the area of optimal control, a centerpiece of modern control theory. This course gives an introduction to the theory and application of optimal control for linear and nonlinear systems. Topics covered in the course are:
- Nonlinear programming approach
- Dynamic programming
- Model predictive control
- Pontryagin maximum principle
- Applications
- The course is given in English.
- Additional information, exercises and further course material is avaible on the ILIAS-page of the course.
- The exam will be a written test.
- The duration of the exam is 90 minutes.
- Documents (lecture notes, booksetc.) as well as electronic devices are NOT allowed