First Lecture: Monday, April 20th, 2020
Recent Information:
- The ILIAS course "Convex Optimization" for the summer term 2020 is now available.
- More information on the organization of the first lecture is available on ILIAS.
- Information on the organization of the course will be announced in the first lecture.
General information
- Lecturer
- Assistant
- Prerequisites
No specific prerequisites required
- Lectures
Monday 15:45-19:00, V 57.04
Friday 11:30-13:00, V 9.41
The course provides an introduction to the theory and application of convex optimization including topics on convex sets and functions, optimality conditions, conic programming, duality theory, and numerical algorithms.
The lecture material is available on the ILIAS-page of the course.
- S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, Cambridge, 2004
- D. Bertsekas, Convex Analysis and Optimization, Athena Scientific, 2003