General Information
- Lecturer
- Assistant
- Prerequisites
The course is intended for students having visited Systemdynamische Grundlagen der Regelungstechnik / Einführung in die Regelungstechnik lectures.
- Time and place
Monday 14:00-15:30, PWR 57 - V57.06
Thursday 09:45-11:15, PWR 31- V31.01
First lecture: 16.10.2023
In many practical control problems it is desired to optimize a given cost functional while satisfying constraints involving dynamical systems. These kind of problems typically fall into the area of optimal control, a centerpiece of modern control theory. This course gives an introduction to the theory and application of optimal control for linear and nonlinear systems. Topics covered in the course are:
- Introduction to nonlinear optimization
- Calculus of variations
- The variational approach to optimal control
- The dynamic programming approach to optimal control
- Overview of numerical methods
- "Optimal Control Theory: An Introduction", Kirk D.E., 2004
- "Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory: A Concise Introduction", Liberzon D., 2012
- "Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control", Vol. I, Bertsekas D., 2017
- "Numerical Optimal Control" notes from Profs. Diehl and Gros available at.
- The course is given in English.
The exam will be an "open-book exam" (i.e., all non-electronic resources are permitted) and will last 120 minutes.
Andrea Iannelli
Prof. Dr.Trustworthy Autonomy for Smart Adaptive Systems

Lukas Schwenkel
M.Sc.Research Assistant