Advanced Topics in Convex Optimization

SS 2024

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Andrea Iannelli
Credits: 6

General information


The course is an advanced master course and sufficient mathematical maturity is recommended. The course awards 6 credits.

Time and place

Tuesday 11:30-13:00, PWR 9 room 2.255

Thursday 11:30-13:00, PWR 9 room 2.255


The course provides an in-depth treatment of classical and modern concepts in convex optimization that are relevant in control, decision making and machine learning problems. The course articulates around the following four topics:

  • Fundamentals of convex analysis
  • Operator-splitting methods
  • Distributed optimization
  • Online convex optimization

After an introductory part covering classic and foundational concepts in convex optimization (convex sets and functions; Lagrangian and Fenchel duality; gradient and coordinate descent methods), we will focus on three state-of-the-art topics in convex optimization.

Operator-splitting methods are first-order methods based on monotone operator theory that are particularly suitable to handle non-smooth problems (often arising in control and learning applications). Distributed optimization allows large-scale problems (appearing e.g. in learning-from-big-data and distributed control settings) to be solved by means of local computations and is a central paradigm for the development of network infrastructures (e.g. smart cities, swarm robotics). Online convex optimization is a paradigm for sequential decision making problems where an agent needs to take decisions by solving a series of optimization problems online, thus requiring real-time capable computations and means to take action in the face of uncertainty.

The emphasis of the course is on methodological aspects such as: design principles behind the algorithms; properties of the methods and mathematical tools required to prove them; understanding of the most important features of state-of-the-art algorithms used in applications.


The course is given in English.



The exam will be an "open-book exam" (i.e., all non-electronic resources are permitted) and will last 120 minutes.

This image shows Andrea Iannelli

Andrea Iannelli

Prof. Dr.

Trustworthy Autonomy for Smart Adaptive Systems

This image shows Sebastian Schlor

Sebastian Schlor


Research Assistant

This image shows Yifan Xie

Yifan Xie


Research Assistant

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